Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm back!

Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy

Well, it has been almost 6 months since my last post I believe!  That's pretty sad.  But since the life circumstances that have kept me from blogging have all been happy things I cannot complain. 

My lovely daughter got married to a guy we would have picked out of the "Perfect Son-In-Law" catalog.  We had our beautiful twin grandbabies with us for 6 weeks, and we took a two week dream trip to Italy.  So, as I said, I cannot complain.  But I couldn't find the time to post on my blog either.

So, now it is time to really get back to work!  I have painted in this absence, so over the next couple of days I will post some of the things that I have done in the last few months to get everyone caught up.  How about that?

"At Rest"...30x30.....oil on canvas....$950

Thanks to those who have enquired about my absence from the blogging world!


dreamer said...

sounds like a perfect six months - that's what I would have done!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Good news is always a great thing
You look fabulous with those pigeons sitting on your hands.
The shrimp boat is well done. Nice color harmony and brushwork.

Tracy Noble said...

I'm so glad to hear you are back among the regular folks - I was beginning to think you & Mike had decided to become gondoliers - Love the painting - LOVE the photo !!