The next big thing is that my friend Carol Marine, that I took the workshop in Santa Fe from, mentioned me in her blog yesterday! I told my husband I fell like a struggling musician that has been asked to jam with a famous band or something. Thanks so much to Carol for the kind words.
On to the paintings...
The first one I tackled was this jalapeno and tomato. I wanted to do the horizontal layout for a change. As usual now that I have photoed it I can see something it needs. So I will tweak it before I put it out at my show. This one is 10x20.
Yesterday was the day for my dance lesson so I had to knock off before I finished the third tomato in this little trilogy. Last week was Tabasco-land, well this week we are visiting Tomato Town! I love painting tomatoes. I really am happy with these two. I love the loosy goosy look. I did these almost entirely with a pallette knife. They are 12x12.
Now to get that last tomato done and then maybe something different...