I am glad this one is going to someone that I like a lot and is nearby, because I may want to visit it. People ask me if I have a hard time letting go of my paintings and normally the answer is no because that is what I paint them for...to go to other places. But every now and then, one of them makes me wish I had more walls.
Monday, January 28, 2008
New Orleans streetcar in the Garden District...
I am glad this one is going to someone that I like a lot and is nearby, because I may want to visit it. People ask me if I have a hard time letting go of my paintings and normally the answer is no because that is what I paint them for...to go to other places. But every now and then, one of them makes me wish I had more walls.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Foyer Gallery...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Jackson MS Landmarks
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Geraniums on the steps...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Friday and the weekend...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
New Orleans streetcar painting nearing completion...
I got up this morning and actually finished this painting first before I returned to my "streetcar named perspire" I am just a ball of laughs today! Anyway, I enjoyed doing this one and started to feel like I was not painting with my feet as I did yesterday. The title of this one is "Bar Code" It is 18x36 and will list in the gallery for $675
I finally got back to the streetcar and felt much more in control. I went back to the advice of a friend and talented artist, Julie McCartney, who says to stand back and look at your painting and work on the thing that needs work the most. Then after working that area stand back and see where you need to go next. It is a valuable lesson to remember epecially if you are like me and tend to want to work one section to perfection before moving on. So I started with the windows on the front and was able to put 2 of my "people" in there as silhouettes. I have a feeling that is not what the owner intended, but it seemed to me that when I tried to find a place to insert all three folks it just was too distracting.
This now looks like a painting of a streetcar with the correct amount of emphasis (or lack of emphasis) on other things. The person getting off of the streetcar is the important one in this saga anyway and the white dress she is wearing is one that she wore when she went out to dinner with friends a while back, so it is "historically correct". I am hoping that feature will make up for the "shadiness" of the other two cohorts. Below is a detail of this portion of the painting.
Seeing as how this is a very loose rendition of this person in keeping with the looseness of the painting I was very pleased with the likeness and recognizability of her. In person it is better than this photo, of course. And to answer the question why is she getting off the streetcar and leaving her friends? Well, she is meeting another friend for dinner and they will all meet up later for a trip to Pat O's.
I will just wait now for the owner to give his ok and then I will sign it. I wait till I am totally through with a painting before I sign it. When I do sign it it is great fun! A real feeling of accomplishement.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
New Orleans Street Car Painting in Progress...
First the drawing...
This is from a photograph I took while visiting New Orleans one of the many times I have been since the hurricane. For those of you who have not been yet, or are hesitant to go I can tell you two things; one, you can go and have a great time in the French Quarter and Garden District, at Mardi Gras, eat great food, etc. and almost not even know there was a Hurricane, and two, you will find some very grateful and gracious people. They are very appreciative of those who take the time and money to come down, and the economy can sure use your help. Ok, back to the art at hand...
This is the initial block-in with some of the detail already done. The photo is not well done...the dark part under the street car is reflecting really badly. There is still a lot of work to do today. I plan to cover up most of the pink background showing through at the bottom...but not all of it. I also need to make the tracks make more sense. I am also doing something I never like to do and that is fooling around with my light source. In the original photo the day is very overcast and the light that is there is coming from the right side of the painting. As you can see, I am trying to make it a more cheerful day, based on another photo I have in which the light source is from the front of the streetcar. Plus, the owner wants people in it...not just people, but specific people....sorry CS...this is another one of my not so favorite things to do. But that is another issue for me to struggle with as the day progresses. As you can see I need to get to work! Bye for now!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Time to catch up...
Now for some photos of our beautiful floors and those newly painted rooms that took forever to complete. (Sorry you are having to do the tilt-y head thing to see these. I forgot to fix them before I imported them!)------
This is our "watermelon" colored dining room and bamboo floors...Our purple foyer gallery(it looks blue due to sunlight, but it is really the color of the hallway below) This is our foyer by the front door. It is my ever-changing gallery where I hang my paintings to dry when I finish them or keep them while they are waiting to go to a "real" gallery...
Our purple family photo gallery in the hallway by the kids bedrooms (this is the real color of the foyer, too...
This is our living room where we spend most of our time. This is the regular set-up on the shelves for most of the year...

I plan to resume painting tomorrow and will do my best to keep my blog updated. As I am finding with the blogs of friends of mine, it is a great way to keep updated on what is going on with someone. All I can say is that it is great to be back and thanks to those who checked on me in my online absence.