This is my entry into the contest for the National Shrimp Festival that will be held in Oct. in Gulf Shores, AL. As you can see by the art, this is the 37th year for this event so it is well-established and sounds like great fun. I had an application to apply for an art booth for this festival already hanging on my fridge, and someone at the wine festival suggested I submit an entry for the poster art . So I decided why not? I am almost as dedicated to the consumption of shrimp as I am to that of wine. As luck would have it the entry deadline had been moved up to this coming Friday. At this festival, they use the art for widely sold T-shirts, collector's posters, huggers, pins....all sorts of cool stuff. So everyone say a prayer for me, I would really like to do this.
A bunch of fellow art bloggers from around the world did a neat thing today...they all focused on the often overlooked door. They posted photos, paintings, and other artistic salutes to the door. This is my addition to the party, although I was not necessarily invited. (hey, it's a free web) This is a painting of a door on a balcony in New Orleans. The original photo was taken three weeks before Katrina. On a return trip a year later I took another photo of the same balcony. This time it was a little worse for wear, with the louvers knocked out of the shutter on the right and no live plants, but it was still there.
I'm off to my Carol Marine/Karen Jurick workshop in Austin this weekend! Hopefully I'll have some workshop stuff to post when I get back next week.
I love the shrimp poster. It is as wild and colorful as it's creator. Good luck, I think you should win!
You have MY vote--the shrimp poster "has it all"(just like you!)
Can't wait to hear all about your new adventures,
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