Friday, August 22, 2008
Okole Maluna! Oil Painting...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Interesting Places to Go and Things to See....
Last night I received the correct answer from our dear friends Randy and Joleen in Baton Rouge, La. (who are just "the best people). There is a reason we have been friends with these folks forever....they just get me. Anyway, for those of you who are still scratching your heads, the answer is======"One Happy Camper"!
Ok now on to something serious...As I stated yesterday, I was honored to receive the "Arte Y Pico" Award again. The first time, I played by the rules and did everything I was supposed to do. It takes a little chunk of your day to post all those links and email the folks you have chosen and all that this time I decided to update my link list to the right with cool people that for some reason I never did put over there. Now anyone who comes to my blog forevermore will be able to look over there and go check them out.
So here are the new additions to the party:
Justin Clayton...I got to meet him in Austin and he is a really nice guy. His site is very different and beautiful. This is what blew me away...look at his archives of paintings in those little collages that he has and then look at all those little red dots! Those are paintings sold people! Way to go Justin!
Charles Sovek...My most helpful site ever. Mr. Sovek passed away this past summer and it just broke my heart that the world had lost such a great generous, talented artist way too early. His site has tutorials, and helpful hints and wonderful archives of his work. Spend the day just checking it out!
Maggie Stiefvater...She is a writer, mom, humorist, colored pencil artist and all around nut. Her articles in the archives about time management are solid gold. Use the magic search feature and find them, read them, follow them, and then call me and remind me to do the same.
Mike Rooney...I love his work and he is a "chatter" like me. He always tells you what is going on and what he's thinking. I like that. It makes you feel like part of the process or something. It also makes me know that there are other artists out there that I consider much farther up the food chain than me, that have their own insecurities, bad days, and wiped off paintings just like I do.
Mary Sheehan Winn...She does beautiful work that I can identify with, would like to own, like to look at, etc. Plus her commentary is pretty entertaining. Check out the painting of the kite store. Wow. Love it.
Jerry Lebo (a.k.a. The Sixty Minute Artist)...Interesting views, hints, and articles. Be sure to read his bio piece on the side that tells why he is the Sixty Minute Artist.
Quiang-Huang... I got to meet him in Austin as well. His name is pronounced Chong Wong. He is such a sweet, gentle person. His paintings are beautiful. His journey is interesting and I love his phraseology in the "English as a second language" vein of thinking. Sometimes it is almost musical.
Colin Page...I am seeing his name pop up everywhere in the blogs that I frequent. He is a fabulous painter with a style that I aspire to. Loose, colorful, happy, with blocks, and splotches of color that may not necessarily make sense until you look at the overall picture. As was the joke in an art class I took, when we particularly loved something we said we just wanted to "get a spoon and eat it!" I need a knife and fork, too, when I see his work!
Okay, my job here is done. I must get to painting since I rally hate to post without a "picture". But I will have one for you tomorrow. I hope.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Pat O'brien's Evening Radiance...Oil Painting

This is from a photo I took when we were in New Orleans for a Saint's game last year. I have always wanted to paint it because of the wonderful glow it has.

Monday, August 18, 2008
Mom's Flowers Oil Painting
Mom's Flowers.......24x36......Oil on Canvas.......$800
These are some flowers that are in my mother's dining room. She won them at some event she attended. It makes me think of the Christmas arrangement that I still have that my grandmother won at a Christmas Open House at a local florist. It is way old now, but I can't get rid of it.
I have had a couple of people tell me that they are unable to leave comments on my blog. Not sure what's the deal, but I promised someone that I would tell how to do it so she would be sure she was doing it right. First, for those of you that subscribe to my blog, you may not know this, but you can click on my name at the top of the email you receive and it will take you to my actual blog. It is ever so pretty with the black background and all that stuff so check it out every now and then. If you are on the actual blog you can look at the bottom of each post and you will see a spot that says "0 comments" or "1 comment". If you click on that it takes you to a comment box and you can leave a message there. There may be a verification box that you have to type in the letters that you see in the squiggle form, but that's pretty much it. So let's hear some comments!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Where I Stand on Sunday:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Fountain Reflections Oil Painting

This is for my festival in October in Gulf Shores. It is based on a photo I took while in Santa Fe last year attending Carol Marine's art workshop. I became friends with a wonderful classmate named Bernie. He and I would meet early and ride around and take pictures and then go to class. This was a fountain at a hotel near the one where I was staying.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Arte Y Pico Award...

So there you have it. My thanks to Pattie and my congratulations to these five artists (not intentionally all female, by the way).
Have a great day, I'm off to paint!
Crawfish Boiling Point Oil Painting
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Steam Boat Willie Jazz Musician New Orleans Oil Painting
This is a painting of my favorite Jazz Guy in New Orleans. We first heard him on our anniversary trip to N.O. right before the hurricane. We heard him at Cafe Beignet in Legends Park on Bourbon St. on Sat. night. We really liked him and then as luck would have it, he was playing at the Jazz Brunch at the Marriot the next morning when we went there. We talked to him and bought a cd, which he signed. I took a few photos of him and his trio. It was just a most memorable anniversary. (I took the photo of the shrimp on the plate with the lemon that I posted a couple of months ago on this trip as well as a shot of a chef making bananas foster.)
Well, three weeks later the hurricane came and I wondered many times about his whereabouts. On our first trip back to New Orleans (I don't remember the exact date, but it was for a Saints game so I guess it was a little more than a year after the hurricane) we were walking down Bourbon street and I heard this great sound and lo and behold! it was Steamboat Willie back in Legends Park! I was just so glad to see him and know that he was okay and back in N.O. playing.
You can go to his website and click on live gigs...then click on "listen to Bring Me Back" It is a song he wrote while up in the north somewhere not long after the hurricane. If that doesn't get your toe to tappin' I don't know what will. That song is just so special to me. In it there is a wonderful black woman that sings out the names of different areas of New Orleans and at one point she sings out "New Orleans East!" which is where I lived from first to fifth grade. Just go listen, I know you will enjoy it!
So Steamboat Willie holds a special place in my heart and we always make it a point to go and see him when we are in N.O. I have drug many friends and family members there to sing, dance, sweat, dance in the rain and have many great memories.
So, I have always wanted to paint him and now I have. I truly love this painting. It is like the one of my nephew and his sons at the beach.....just like I want to paint.....loose, colorful, bold. Every now and then I hit one just right and this is one of those.
We went to N.O. this past weekend for our anniversary (we have one of those every year and we definitely feel like it is worth celebrating!) We had the most wonderful trip and of course, got to see Steamboat Willie. I took him a print of this painting and he liked it and decided he needed the original. So now we have to make another trip down there to take him his painting.
It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Flirtatious Feet Oil Painting
It was all about the chair . I took the photo of the chair, I chose to paint the chair...then I noticed the feet. His feet, her feet. Then I had to paint the chair to get to the feet. I think I spend too much time by myself sometimes.
Shrimp Boat with Pelicans oil painting
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pathway to Peace of Mind
This is for my coast show on the 30th. The show features aspects of life that were affected by Katrina, and this one represents our peace of mind. The slow and easy underlying pace of the coast was definitely affected. The "fishing on Saturday instead of putting a new roof on your house and trying to survive" mode of life is returning for some, but others are still struggling. My heart goes out to all who are still trying to regain their "peace of Mind".
Friday, August 1, 2008
Lovelace Drugstore Washington Ave. Ocean Springs
In my absence from my blog I have been painting in bits and pieces when time would allow, I just haven't had the time or energy to photo, post and write a blog entry. But I have to get back in the saddle and get down to business.
This is a piece I did for the upcoming show in Biloxi. The title of the show is "Everything is Katrina Related". It will feature aspects of coast life that were affected by Katrina as presented from my personal point of view. The show is Aug. 30 which is the day after the 3rd anniversary of the hurricane.