These are some more of the paintings I did to get ready for Double Decker. The tree is one of those that you just have to see in person. It has that rare quality that I see in other people's paintings sometimes, in that it sort of glows. I am analyzing the steps I took to see if I can produce the effect again, but suffice it to say the real thing is WAY better than the photo.
The Pears are part of a set that are done on 1 1/2" gallery wrap canvases that are 6x8. On a canvas that small the sides are a big deal. On these I painted the sides black and white squares. They look so great hanging in a group.
The show this weekend was a success. As far as I know, every other artist that I talked to had a great show. It was my best one so far for me so I am happy. I sold 7 paintings and 17 prints. And yes it was a long day. But Dacia and Shaun (my daughter and her boyfriend) came with us and made the load much lighter.
Next I am off to Kentucky to keep the girls while son & DIL go to the Derby. I would much rather watch my sweeties than a bunch of horses, let me tell you!
Congratulations on the successful show - great sales!
I totally understand about the painting looking better than the photo image - and then you have no idea what other peoples moniters look like - but even so, I can see the glow in that tree from here!
As always the paintings are looking amazing! Glad to hear the show went so well!!
And give those adorable lil cutie-pies each a kiss from me! :D
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