Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sax Appeal......oil painting

Ok, sorry for the lame title, but I have already done "Sax Education" in the past.  I can't help myself sometimes.

This striking photo was taken during our recent visit to Austin, TX.  The group was named Roxy Roca and we really enjoyed hearing them at the Saxon Pub.  I painted a larger painting featuring four of the nine memebers of the group (posted on 10-17-11).  This is a close-up of the gentleman on the far left.

On another note... Imagine my surprise when I realized that the blog posts that I had saved as drafts and thought I had set to publish at later dates for the last year or so have been sitting in limbo-land saved as drafts, but not actually scheduled to publish.  So I went ahead and published the ones from the last couple of weeks.  I'm not sure if they all arrived in the inboxes of my subscribers in one big wad...if they did, I apologize for the art avalanche.  If not, then there are some posts that you loyal subscribers that don't like to miss anything will want to scroll back and revisit.  I'll get the hang of this one day!

Right now I have lots of new artwork to publish, but when I run out of new stuff I plan to go back and publish some of the things that got missed!   There's some good stuff in there.

1 comment:

Tom Robinson said...

I'm the gentleman on the left in the Roxyroca band. I love your work1 thank you for painting us and sharing!