Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lovelace Drugstore, Downtown Ocean Springs....Oil painting.....#12 of 30 paintings in 30 days

12x24.....oil on Canvas.....$340
This is from my hometown of Ocean Springs, MS.  Lovelace drugs is a fixture in the downtown area.  I remember sitting in front of Lovelace's under the oak tree in high school and having a bake sale for the Paper Staff.  I met a wonderful older gentleman that I went on to interview for the paper.  He paraphrased this Longfellow poem and I have always remembered it.....
"I often think of the little town,
seated beside the sea
and in my dreams stroll up and down
the pleasant streets of the dear old town
and my youth comes back to me."


Patricia Awapara said...

Adorable piece! love the shadow work!

Unknown said...

I agree. Marvelous shadows. A very nice painting.

Sue Harrell said...

Beautiful! The colors are fabulous! I'd like to be there.