Thursday, September 11, 2014

Very Large, Very Red Abstract......oil painting

24x36.....Oil Painting
This is a very interesting painting.  I painted it straight from my gut.  I let the paint tell me what to do.  When I was done I stood back and looked.  I don't know if it was because it was around Valentine's day or what, but it looked like a heartbeat on one of those machine readouts.  Interestingly I said this to a medical person that was viewing the painting and he said, "if this was a heart rhythm, this person would be in trouble!"  lol
Then I took the painting down to one of the galleries in New Orleans that represents me.  I just took it in and gave them no preconceived notion of what it was.  It is now hanging vertically and is entitled "The River".
That's what I love about abstracts....Everyone is entitled to see what they see.

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