Thursday, October 30, 2008

Courtyard Fountain in New Orleans Oil Painting

Courtyard Fountain.......18x24......oil on canvas.....$450
I can't believe I have not posted this one yet! That's how crazy it has been for me lately! I love the way this one turned out! It got a lot of interest at the last festival.
I remember taking the photo and how the fountain was out in the direct sunlight and there were cool shadows under the balcony. When I look at the painting I think you can get that feeling for sure.
This was one of those lucky little things you stumble upon when out wandering around. This was actually a residential courtyard behind a shop that I had happened into. I could see it behind the shop and asked if I could go take photos. Luckily for me the answer was yes.
I am off to the River Arts Festival in Memphis this weekend. This past weekend my son and DIL that are expecting twins were in town for a shower thrown by my wonderful friend Tracy and attended by even more wonderful friends. I know this sounds sappy, but if you are ever tempted to take your friends for granted you need to step back and look around and realize what an amazing group they are. I am still just blown away by what my friends did for Michael and Heather and (drum roll) McKinley and Kayleigh. That will be my little granddaughters...Mckinley and Kayleigh.
I think M & H did a wonderful job on the names...they sound like twins without being matchy-matchy and they both have different initials, which will make labeling everything much easier. Heather is Heather Leigh, hence the spelling of Kayleigh's name.
Well, today's to-do list is very long and it's not getting done while I am here typing.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tomatoes, Basil, Garlic Oil painting

Recipe......18x24 Oil on Canvas............$390

This is a really nice painting in person. I don't cook much, so I don't use a lot of fresh basil, but now I can, at least, say I have painted it.

Paintings that have yet to be posted!

I have been so busy with the planning, painting and readying for the Shrimp Festival that I have got a stock pile of paintings that have not been posted for your viewing pleasure. Since I am going to be out of town next week, I am just going to post as many as I can right now so that they will at least be on here.

First up is a series that I really enjoyed doing. All the paintings are 12x12 oil on canvas. They attracted much attention during the four days of the festival. I sold one, but had mucho requests for know, people that really wanted one but not enough to pay $125 for an oil painting. The plan is to have prints available by my next show. Plus I did get a mailing list of people that wanted them when I had them available.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A funny for my Art Friends!

This was sent to me by a friend and since I am still unpacking and getting my feet back on the ground from our trip (we just got home from the Shrimp Festival last night) I thought I would send it to the artsy folks who follo9w my blog. It's just silly enough to make you smile. And timely, too!

A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre.

After careful planning, he got past security,stole the paintings, and made it safely to his van.However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas.

When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error,he replied, 'Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings.'

I had no Monet ...

to buy Degas...

to make the Van Gogh!'

See if you have De Gaulle... to send this on to someone else.

I sent it to you because I figured I had nothing Toulouse.
When it comes to the price of gas one must maintain his sense of humor these days, even though it is difficult at times.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hi from the Shrimp Festival!

I am heading over for the last day of the Shrimp Festival. Things have gone very well and the weather has been beautiful. I have met some nice people and if you are tuning in after meeting my down there let me say, meeting all of the nice people and hearing your input has been the highlight of my trip. I will post new things when I return next week.

Until then....if the gentleman who bought four of my paintings the other evening would contact me via my cell phone I would really appreciate it! I forgot to get your expiration date and I cannot process your credit card transaction. What a business woman I am!