This first shot features McKinley's bed with her initial art above it. To the right is the corner where the rocking chair will go. Above that are the 12x12 squares that I did to match the bedding. You may not be able to see in the photos, but the stripes are featured on the dust ruffle and on the backs of the comforters. The circles are on the valance.
This next shot is of Kayleigh's bed with her initial and a great shot of the super cute lamp they received from my folks in Colorado.
This is a shot of the Pea Pod I did for them. The frame on the chest says "two peas in a pod", and that is what the artwork is about...two little peas in their pod. You probably can't see it, but the peas have little eyes and smiles. Let's hope our little peas stay in their pod long enough to develop strong lungs and all the other stuff they need to be healthy and happy.
This year I am so thankful for my wonderful, expanding family. I feel like we have actually four new family members on the verge of becoming official. In addition to the two "peas" we have Shaun and AnnaRae who are dating my daughter and son.
I also am thankful for my awesome friends that gave and attended the shower we had for M & H and the girls. I left Lexington knowing that between the efforts of Papa D, our friends, and our family; we are about as ready as we can be and when those little ones do come they are set. They will be safe, warm, well-dressed, and have everything else they need to get a good start in this life. (Plus a few things that their mom and I thought they might like.) ; )
Thanks to all who have helped and supported me in this past year. My thankful list includes too many things to mention all of them, but believe me, on that list are those of you who have supported my art adventure either by buying art, critiquing it, following my blog, jurying me into art shows .....all of those things help to make me a better artist.
Thank you Lord and bless all who take the time to read this. May there be a place in heaven for those kind souls. : )
What a beautiful room. Did you do the pea pod artwork on the wall? Is that just a painting? Did you have a pattern?
You could make a living just concentrating on paintings for nurseries--these are beyond GORGEOUS!!!! I love the two peas in a pod! That is so you. And the initials-too cute!! The color scheme is so pretty.
congrats to the soon-to-be parents and all the mamas and papas,
blessings to all,
Can you tell me what color green paint is on the walls?
Also, what kind of price ranges do your artwork pieces go for? We are doing a nursery for our first little girl right now and we are doing the Bananafish Bubble Gum colors! I love the pieces you did for this room!! Please feel free to email me at bethanymonda@yahoo.com. Thanks!
I am doing my baby's nursery in the Bananafish bubblegum bedding as well! I love your paintings! How much would you charge for the four 12X12 canvases and the large (with a full name)to go above the crib? Please let me know!
The room looks beautiful! I was wondering if you would be willing to paint any wall art for my nursery also themed around bananafish bubblegum? you can email me at jami.strickland@yahoo.com
I was wondering what the size is of the four smaller pieces of bubblegumartwork, and then the large piece behind the crib. I am doing my nursery in Bubblegum, and I just love it! Also, just curious of what you might charge if you were willing to duplicate those pieces? Any information would be great!
Shelley Baber
I just sent you a post about wanting the decor for the bananafish bubble gum. My e-mail is racn440@hotmail.com
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