
My latest adventure involved attending a Wine Festival in Shreveport. Mike couldn't go so Dacia, my daughter, was my able and willing partner for the event. We went over Thursday for the elegant and special wine dinner. It was very nice and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. They auctioned off my painting that they had purchased from me...a painting of a bowl of corks. It was the image they used for all of the promotional materials for the whole event. The couple that placed the highest bid were celebrating their anniversary. I personalize it for them and we just had a great evening.
On Friday we set everything up for the Wine Tasting on Saturday afternoon. I had brought paintings just pertaining to wine and food. I signed the giclees that they had made to sell at the Saturday event. They had invited us to an informal event Friday night that was attended by some of the board members and committee members of the event. We had a great time there, too, and ended up bonding with some of the board members.
On Saturday we manned the booth at the Wine Tasting and just had a really good time. Sales were good, we met some really nice people, and we got to try some really great wines. The food was delicious, the weather was couldn't have been a more perfect weekend.
The people that were in charge of the entire thing were SO nice! They have invited me back for the Red River Revel in October. It is a week long art festival that sounds like it is just fabulous. I will be attending the first half of the week, because the Shrimp Festival is the second half. It will make for an interesting week, let me tell you! I will have to break down my booth and pack up in Shreveport on Tues. night at 9PM and then go directly to Gulf Shores and set up there on Wednesday afternoon. I will probably not make any coherent sentences for a couple of days at the Shrimp Festival!!! But the SF was so much fun last year that I didn't want to NOT enter. So there you have it.
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