My sweet sister-in-law, Karen, wrote me yesterday and asked where my blog entries were. I promise I HAVE been working. I will try to start getting back in the habit of photo-ing and posting again.
We came back from Kentucky from being gone a month, then left for Las Vegas a few days later. We were there a week (won a little of their money) and then I had to feverishly paint to get ready for a wine festival in Shreveport. Big fun! I will post my wine photos and tell about it tomorrow.
I am now in the process of getting paintings painted, framed, wired etc. for an art show in Oxford, MS. It's called Doubledecker and it's a really nice event.
Anyway, thanks to those who were wondering about me, especially Karen.
And for the "news you can use" I want to leave you with this quote I came across yesterday....Think of it anytime you are feeling under-appreciated or taken for granted...
"Even after all this time the sun never says
to the earth "you owe me".
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the whole sky."
----HAFIZ (Persian poet of the 1300's)
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