Well, it has been a month since the girls were born and we brought them home. They have grown a lot and started developing their little personalities. It has been an awesome experience to be able to share this with them and their mommy and daddy.
I hate that I live so far away, but it has been such an honor to be able to be up here this long and help these little ladies aclimate to beeing little tiny humans. I will have to give major props to my son and daughter-in-law for being able to tolerate the constant presence of others in their home. Also, kudos to my daughter for being such a pleasure to share this with (even at 4 AM.) It has been an experience that I will treasure till the day I die.

It will be hard to say goodbye, but it is time to get back to the real world. I am excited to say that in addition to being accpeted into the Doubledecker festival in Oxford, I also was accepted to the Gumtree Festival in Tupelo that occurs a couple of weeks later. When I put these together with the wine festival that I will be attending in April (as the feautured artist) it will make for a very busy springtime. Thank goodness. I will definitely need to keep busy.
I am really ready to get back to my paints, though! I know that I will have to endure the feeling like I am painting with my feet until I get back in the swing of things, but I can't wait.
Ah Lorrie, you lucky, lucky woman! Congrats on the two little beauties and on your being accepted on the art shows. I look forward to seeing what you paint for them.
Gram - I read about the "Drennan Twins" in the Sunday paper .....
small world, huh? You look great with those girls . . j
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